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God's Queries on This Wonderful Arrays!
God's Queries on This Wonderful Arrays!
Seeing that the value written in the Nth sequence in front of your house changes every day, you became angry and decided to sue Hanbyeol.
Condition Solve 1 or more problems which has '수열' or '쿼리' in its Korean version of the title, at some point after March 22, 2022
Time Unlocked
HandleTime Unlocked
Platinum II 741u741 741u741 SET1 month ago
Platinum II aspalt85 aspalt851 month ago
Gold I rnsjals0905 rnsjals09051 month ago
Platinum IV vlfxhd69 vlfxhd691 month ago
Gold I dlgkwns8828 dlgkwns88281 month ago
Silver V kimminjun804 kimminjun8041 month ago
Platinum V sisuforbrd sisuforbrd1 month ago
Gold III asjdh2414 asjdh24141 month ago
Platinum V nkj nkj1 month ago
Gold III kjh95828 kjh958281 month ago
Platinum V ahj1592 ahj15921 month ago
Gold IV sun2709 sun27091 month ago
Platinum IV tmdals0611 tmdals06111 month ago
Platinum V jno080420 jno0804201 month ago
Platinum IV ssong9520 ssong95201 month ago
Platinum V rlatjddyd92 rlatjddyd921 month ago
Gold II tablemin2 tablemin21 month ago
Gold I taewan1414 taewan14141 month ago
Gold I jochen1004 jochen10041 month ago
Gold II woosungko woosungko1 month ago
Platinum IV lsj0822 lsj08221 month ago
Platinum IV kkigon kkigon1 month ago
Gold I sinwall sinwall1 month ago
Platinum V ntw8651 ntw86511 month ago
Platinum V kjmgs924 kjmgs9241 month ago
Gold IV linalan linalan1 month ago
Platinum V xmazinga7 xmazinga71 month ago
Platinum I hmbgaq1 hmbgaq11 month ago
Platinum V sej0810 sej08101 month ago
Gold I joonhwi0115 joonhwi01151 month ago
Gold II knen knen SET1 month ago
Platinum IV jaeyoungjae jaeyoungjae1 month ago
Platinum II lickelon lickelon1 month ago
Platinum IV cheure127 cheure1271 month ago
Platinum IV bsh7931 bsh79311 month ago
Platinum IV minchae267 minchae2671 month ago
Platinum IV elic121 elic1211 month ago
Gold I ssji110113 ssji1101131 month ago
Gold I freeskyljy freeskyljy1 month ago
Silver I awaycon awaycon SET1 month ago
Gold I summer_jinwoo summer_jinwoo1 month ago
Not ratable ryan07330 ryan073301 month ago
Gold II road_to_grandmaster road_to_grandmaster1 month ago
Gold I bangga0403 bangga04031 month ago
Gold II hangyeol0315 hangyeol03151 month ago
Gold V kwonminjae5700 kwonminjae57001 month ago
Diamond V jhpark0314 jhpark03141 month ago
Gold I dlskawo0409 dlskawo0409 SET1 month ago
Diamond V sloppy sloppy1 month ago
Platinum IV gdw1301 gdw13011 month ago