Operator / Filter | Feature | Example |
"" | Exactly match | "A+B - 2" Problems with problem name containing "A+B - 2" |
() | Priority specifier (parenthesis) | A+B (2 | 3) Problems with problem name containing "A+B" and either "2" or "3" |
- ! ~ | Not included ('not' operation) | -Large Problems with problem name not containing "Large" *s..g -@$me Problems with problem level of Silver or more and Gold or less that I have not solved |
& | All included ('and' operation) | "A+B" 2 Problems with problem name containing both "A+B" and "2" #dp #math Problems with both dynamic programming and math tags |
| | One or more included ('or' operation) | Small | Large Problems with problem name containing either "Small" or "Large" #greedy | #ad_hoc Problems with either greedy or ad hoc tags |
* tier: | Problem leveltier<int> range<tier<int>> | *b..s Problems with level of Bronze or more and Silver or less *g4..g1 Problems with level of Gold IV or more and Gold I or less *0 Problems with level of Unrated or Not ratable |
id: | Problem #int range<int> | id:1000..1099 Problems with problem # of 1000 or more and 1099 or less |
s# solved: | Solved user countint range<int> | s#1000.. Problems solved by 1,000 or more people s#100..500 Problems solved by 100 or more and 500 or less people |
# tag: | Tagsstring | #dp Problems with dynamic programming tag |
/ from: | Problem sources and bookmarksstring | /ucpc2022 Problems of UCPC 2022 Finals /*favorites Problems with bookmark ID of favorites |
t# average_try: µ# | Average try countfloat range<float> | t#3..5 Problems with average try count of 3 or more and 5 or less |
% lang: | Languagestring | %ko Problems written in Korean |
@ solved_by: s@ | Problems solved by userstring | @$me Problems solved by me @shiftpsh Problems solved by shiftpsh |
o@ solved_by_org: | Problems solved by organization string | o@sogang Problems solved by Sogang University |
t@ tried_by: | Problems tried by userstring | t@$me Problems tried by me t@shiftpsh Problems tried by shiftpsh |
v@ voted_by: c@ contributed_by: | Problems contributed by userstring | v@$me Problems contributed by me v@shiftpsh Problems contributed by shiftpsh |
c/ in_class: | Problems in CLASSint | c/1 Problems in CLASS 1 |
e/ in_class_essentials: | Essentials in CLASSint | e/1 Essentials in CLASS 1 |
s? standard: | Standard problemboolean | s?true Standard problems |
p? sprout: sp? | Sproutboolean | p?true Sprout problems |
o? solvable: | Solvableboolean | o?true Solvable problems |
v? votable: c? contributable: | Contributableboolean | v?true Contributable problems |
w? warning: | Warningboolean | w?true Warning problems |
v# voted: c# contributed: | Contributed user countint range<int> | v#10.. Problems contributed by 10 or more people v#1..5 Problems contributed by 1 or more and 5 or less people |
** vote_average: a* µ* | Problem level weighted average tier<float> range<tier<float>> | **b..s Problems with level weighted average of Bronze or more and Silver or less **s4 Problems with level weighted average of Silver IV + 0.0 **g0.9..g0.5 Problems with level weighted average of Gold I + 0.1 or more and Gold I + 0.5 or less |
s* vote_stdev: σ* | Problem level weighted standard deviation float range<float> | s*1.. Problems with level weighted standard deviation of 1 or more |
Type | Explaination | Example |
int | Integer value | 1 , 2 , 3 |
float | Floating point value | 1 , 1.5 , 3.14 |
boolean | True/false value | 0 , f , false 1 , t , true |
string | Strings | hello , world |
range<int> | Range of integers | 1 1000.. ..1000 3..14 |
range<float> | Range of floats | 1 1.5.. ..3.14 3..3.14 |
tier<int> | Level/tier | g1 r5 7 |
range<tier<int>> | Range of levels/tiers | g1 s b1..b5 r5..r1 ..p p.. s1..p |
tier<float> | Exact level/tier | g1 b0.5 9.6 |
range<tier<float>> | Range of exact levels/tiers | g1 s b1..b5 p5.5..p5.4 |