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God's Queries on This Wonderful Arrays!
God's Queries on This Wonderful Arrays!
Seeing that the value written in the Nth sequence in front of your house changes every day, you became angry and decided to sue Hanbyeol.
Condition Solve 1 or more problems which has '수열' or '쿼리' in its Korean version of the title, at some point after March 22, 2022
Time Unlocked
HandleTime Unlocked
Platinum I minsiwon00 minsiwon001 year ago
Platinum I a_bcde a_bcde1 year ago
Gold II jyoo0515 jyoo05151 year ago
Platinum II hmlv hmlv1 year ago
Platinum III yjeagles yjeagles1 year ago
Platinum II du9172 du91721 year ago
Platinum V vng598 vng5981 year ago
Platinum IV jaeung95 jaeung951 year ago
Platinum III rochision rochision1 year ago
Platinum II surkitz surkitz1 year ago
Diamond I onemoreyear onemoreyear1 year ago
Gold V poodoli2000 poodoli20001 year ago
Platinum I onteeae onteeae1 year ago
Platinum II jihookang jihookang1 year ago
Gold II notae notae1 year ago
Platinum II loosie999 loosie9991 year ago
Platinum IV choijy5847 choijy58471 year ago
Platinum II fastru fastru1 year ago
Gold V minseok0917 minseok09171 year ago
Platinum I hjhj97 hjhj971 year ago
Platinum IV solft solft1 year ago
Diamond I dtc03012 dtc030121 year ago
Diamond IV 39dll 39dll1 year ago
Platinum II grantzile grantzile1 year ago
Diamond IV bic0893 bic08931 year ago
Diamond V silvester71 silvester711 year ago
Diamond IV hwangcw0613 hwangcw06131 year ago
Gold III ssr3588 ssr35881 year ago
Diamond III toysmars toysmars1 year ago
Platinum III kdyfloat kdyfloat1 year ago
Not ratable jsw1295 jsw12951 year ago
Platinum II hyunya hyunya1 year ago
Platinum III choyj427 choyj4271 year ago
Platinum I hyunynim hyunynim1 year ago
Silver II zeroxy zeroxy1 year ago
Platinum II kong_22 kong_221 year ago
Platinum II 99edward 99edward1 year ago
Diamond V qilip qilip1 year ago
Platinum III yohanbaeyo yohanbaeyo1 year ago
Platinum II wdf_day wdf_day1 year ago
Diamond V kdh6429 kdh64291 year ago
Platinum IV limsigmalover limsigmalover1 year ago
Platinum IV amphet amphet1 year ago
Platinum III seonghoon seonghoon1 year ago
Platinum II justinwk justinwk1 year ago
Gold II ktasha45 ktasha451 year ago
Gold II andyioi0290 andyioi02901 year ago
Diamond III wwad wwad1 year ago
Gold III rust311 rust3111 year ago
Diamond II leonhard leonhard1 year ago