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Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and get full score for a problem within 5 minutes of the start of the competition
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Diamond III hsh8086 hsh80861 year ago
Gold I huzi2 huzi21 year ago
Platinum V hyoguoo hyoguoo1 year ago
Diamond III hyperbolic hyperbolic1 year ago
Platinum V igocst igocst1 year ago
Diamond III imkavin43 imkavin431 year ago
Ruby V imtore imtore1 year ago
Gold I inhohyun inhohyun1 year ago
Platinum I insuhkim insuhkim1 year ago
Diamond I invrtd_h invrtd_h1 year ago
Diamond V j2ssicaalt j2ssicaalt1 year ago
Platinum I javago javago1 year ago
Diamond V jeong1208 jeong12081 year ago
Ruby IV jeroenodb jeroenodb1 year ago
Diamond V jh040597 jh0405971 year ago
Diamond II jhuni jhuni1 year ago
Diamond I jimini23 jimini231 year ago
Diamond V jinhwanlazy jinhwanlazy1 year ago