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Record of the Stars: Chapter 1
Record of the Stars: Chapter 1
Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena
Time Unlocked
HandleTime Unlocked
Gold III sadorn sadorn9 months ago
Gold I shin0621 shin06219 months ago
Gold I shinabro0131 shinabro01319 months ago
Silver III skimm skimm9 months ago
Platinum IV solomon303 solomon3039 months ago
Silver III sopi0813 sopi08139 months ago
Silver I starrray starrray9 months ago
Gold I summer_jinwoo summer_jinwoo9 months ago
Gold II tjsrms1227 tjsrms12279 months ago
Gold III tmxlr9898 tmxlr98989 months ago
Gold IV w7qt w7qt SET9 months ago
Gold V wera4677 wera46779 months ago
Platinum IV wlsdyd751 wlsdyd7519 months ago
Gold III won0328 won03289 months ago
Gold II wpqlks7 wpqlks79 months ago
Gold V xosid0330 xosid03309 months ago
Gold III ysj9074 ysj90749 months ago
Bronze II yujin7413 yujin74139 months ago
Diamond II YunGoon YunGoon9 months ago
Platinum III zanite zanite9 months ago
Silver II 45552 455529 months ago
Platinum II abcdvd abcdvd9 months ago
Gold I acasus acasus9 months ago
Platinum I aflat aflat9 months ago
Gold I aprkfrmrgua1 aprkfrmrgua19 months ago
Silver II asedish07 asedish07 SET9 months ago
Platinum V bekpshsc01 bekpshsc019 months ago
Platinum IV benchpress benchpress9 months ago
Platinum V bluessom bluessom9 months ago
Silver V breadcap breadcap9 months ago
Platinum V ccmuk58 ccmuk589 months ago
Platinum V chany0207 chany02079 months ago
Diamond V chlwnsgurb chlwnsgurb9 months ago
Silver III chlwodjq chlwodjq9 months ago
Gold III chuublossom chuublossom9 months ago
Platinum IV bagger3025 bagger30259 months ago
Bronze II bbobibbobibo bbobibbobibo9 months ago
Bronze III boj_ai boj_ai9 months ago
Gold V cansur777 cansur777 SET9 months ago
Silver V evanjiho evanjiho9 months ago
Ruby V gina gina9 months ago
Gold III jinjin1022 jinjin10229 months ago
Diamond III kimjw0628 kimjw06289 months ago
Ruby V kohandy kohandy9 months ago
Diamond II quickn quickn9 months ago
Gold V rlatlsgn rlatlsgn9 months ago
Silver III bbiyak bbiyak9 months ago
Gold II black9769 black97699 months ago
Silver II cho5881237 cho58812379 months ago
Silver II chungnok0611 chungnok06119 months ago