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Record of the Stars: Chapter 1
Record of the Stars: Chapter 1
Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena
Time Unlocked
HandleTime Unlocked
Diamond II eoaud0108 eoaud010812 months ago
Platinum II gmtmoney2357 gmtmoney235712 months ago
Platinum V good9804 good980412 months ago
Silver I go_daecoolnoc go_daecoolnoc12 months ago
Ruby III hijkl2e hijkl2e12 months ago
Gold V hippopikeul hippopikeul12 months ago
Gold I hkh1284 hkh128412 months ago
Not ratable hupixeleeeeee hupixeleeeeee12 months ago
Platinum IV ice_cream31 ice_cream3112 months ago
Diamond IV ivymso13 ivymso1312 months ago
Silver I jack04 jack0412 months ago
Diamond II jaewoo2009 jaewoo200912 months ago
Platinum V jaylions jaylions12 months ago
Gold I junsun1014 junsun101412 months ago
Gold V jwj970802 jwj97080212 months ago
Gold I kevin9981 kevin998112 months ago
Gold V khm1102 khm110212 months ago
Platinum V kimbh0412 kimbh041212 months ago
Gold V kim_victory123 kim_victory12312 months ago
Platinum IV kkp0639 kkp063912 months ago
Silver II kl39230 kl3923012 months ago
Platinum III ksm030604 ksm03060412 months ago
Gold I kuarnty kuarnty12 months ago
Gold II lantern50 lantern5012 months ago
Gold III lapis0875 lapis087512 months ago
Gold III masterpiece0716 masterpiece071612 months ago
Platinum V mj3242 mj324212 months ago
Gold I mjm128 mjm12812 months ago
Platinum IV mmnm3 mmnm312 months ago
Gold II moonpoison moonpoison12 months ago
Gold IV nn0406 nn040612 months ago
Silver III nnx nnx12 months ago
Platinum V okgoogle okgoogle12 months ago
Gold II pandanam739 pandanam73912 months ago
Gold II pilmokim99 pilmokim9912 months ago
Platinum III playscer playscer12 months ago
Gold I qkrtkdwns3410 qkrtkdwns341012 months ago
Platinum V qudwo09 qudwo0912 months ago
Gold I redzoo redzoo12 months ago
Silver IV renderer renderer12 months ago
Platinum IV rha6780 rha678012 months ago
Gold I rhkeh123 rhkeh12312 months ago
Diamond III seojin0305 seojin030512 months ago
Not ratable shift_d shift_d12 months ago
Platinum V ssda332 ssda33212 months ago
Gold II takun takun12 months ago
Silver III ty0804 ty080412 months ago
Platinum III vbder123 vbder12312 months ago
Platinum III woook woook12 months ago
Gold III yjeum03 yjeum0312 months ago