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Record of the Stars: Chapter 2
Record of the Stars: Chapter 2
Participate as a rated contestant for 5 times in the Arena
Time Unlocked
HandleTime Unlocked
Gold IV jungmin0917 jungmin091712 months ago
Platinum IV jw3418 jw341812 months ago
Gold IV jyjang07 jyjang0712 months ago
Platinum III kangkh0906 kangkh090612 months ago
Platinum V karma2 karma212 months ago
Platinum IV kdch0823 kdch082312 months ago
Platinum I kevin1231 kevin123112 months ago
Ruby V kimjihoon kimjihoon12 months ago
Platinum III ks2515 ks251512 months ago
Platinum V lee0622aa lee0622aa12 months ago
Platinum V lee_tmdgus lee_tmdgus12 months ago
Platinum IV lidersy961 lidersy96112 months ago
Platinum I loes353 loes35312 months ago
Gold II luminabean luminabean12 months ago
Gold V lyj36189 lyj36189 SET12 months ago
Silver I manaco manaco12 months ago
Gold V mathpickpurse mathpickpurse12 months ago
Diamond V mgin0527 mgin052712 months ago
Platinum IV mugamta mugamta12 months ago
Diamond IV mymasterpark2 mymasterpark212 months ago
Platinum V nink2458 nink245812 months ago
Platinum V osh8242 osh824212 months ago
Diamond III osier_star osier_star12 months ago
Platinum I pauljjang410 pauljjang41012 months ago
Diamond I physics0523 physics052312 months ago
Platinum IV piatoss3612 piatoss361212 months ago
Platinum III plan_pt plan_pt12 months ago
Platinum II platformer456 platformer45612 months ago
Gold IV pltnm pltnm12 months ago
Gold IV ray_lawliet ray_lawliet12 months ago
Gold I reserch112 reserch11212 months ago
Platinum II rlatjwls3333 rlatjwls333312 months ago
Platinum III rofn123 rofn12312 months ago
Platinum I rrtrrt02 rrtrrt0212 months ago
Gold II sarrin sarrin12 months ago
Gold I seem98 seem9812 months ago
Diamond IV silvercube silvercube12 months ago
Gold IV songminsang songminsang12 months ago
Diamond IV spotky1004 spotky100412 months ago
Platinum IV ssong269 ssong26912 months ago
Gold I star7sss star7sss12 months ago
Platinum III starblitz starblitz12 months ago
Gold I sunoo0210 sunoo021012 months ago
Ruby V teferi00 teferi0012 months ago
Gold II tjdwns9574 tjdwns957412 months ago
Gold V tlstkrh tlstkrh12 months ago
Platinum IV toycartoon toycartoon12 months ago
Platinum V tso5245 tso524512 months ago
Gold I uno950114 uno95011412 months ago
Platinum V usb9245 usb924512 months ago