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Record of the Stars: Chapter 2
Record of the Stars: Chapter 2
Participate as a rated contestant for 5 times in the Arena
Time Unlocked
HandleTime Unlocked
Gold III shotgun1107 shotgun11079 months ago
Ruby V starbow starbow9 months ago
Gold I steve7161 steve71619 months ago
Gold II takun takun9 months ago
Diamond V wken2824 wken28249 months ago
Platinum V 7bellaa 7bellaa10 months ago
Diamond V aig0016 aig001610 months ago
Platinum II cmgjol010 cmgjol01010 months ago
Diamond V dbrua1222 dbrua122210 months ago
Diamond II deom deom10 months ago
Gold I dfnm369 dfnm36910 months ago
Gold IV dkdlwmdnjs13 dkdlwmdnjs1310 months ago
Platinum V doco827 doco82710 months ago
Gold I ehdwp8558 ehdwp855810 months ago
Platinum III frtfrt1 frtfrt110 months ago
Diamond III gs22059 gs2205910 months ago
Platinum I hithere314 hithere31410 months ago
Gold IV inter129 inter12910 months ago
Platinum III jhlee1234 jhlee123410 months ago
Diamond III junho0219 junho021910 months ago
Gold I kimjh11130 kimjh1113010 months ago
Platinum II kkuvook kkuvook10 months ago
Diamond V kongum kongum10 months ago
Diamond V mastershim mastershim10 months ago
Gold III mej1406 mej140610 months ago
Platinum V paneko3 paneko310 months ago
Gold III peach0718 peach071810 months ago
Diamond V rb3krn rb3krn10 months ago
Gold IV seok07 seok0710 months ago
Platinum V sky_yoon1 sky_yoon110 months ago
Platinum IV solitarywind solitarywind10 months ago
Platinum III sonic6679 sonic667910 months ago
Gold II voltixian voltixian10 months ago
Diamond V wizardrabbit wizardrabbit10 months ago
Platinum V zlzlelzl zlzlelzl10 months ago
Gold III adam123 adam12310 months ago
Gold III akswhr123 akswhr12310 months ago
Gold V a_masaaki a_masaaki10 months ago
Gold II cth3kr cth3kr10 months ago
Gold IV dachae dachae10 months ago
Diamond V dbgusdn012 dbgusdn01210 months ago
Diamond IV delena0702 delena070210 months ago
Gold III havist havist10 months ago
Diamond III hsh8086 hsh808610 months ago
Gold IV hui hui10 months ago
Silver II hyoseo hyoseo10 months ago
Diamond III hyperbolic hyperbolic10 months ago
Platinum IV ice_cream31 ice_cream3110 months ago
Gold I ios ios10 months ago
Gold V jwj970802 jwj97080210 months ago