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Arena: Top 100
Arena: Top 100
Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and achieve a rank of top 100 or greater
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Gold I jungtop jungtop10 months ago
Platinum II k550706 k55070610 months ago
Platinum II lsj5657 lsj565710 months ago
Ruby III mickeyjung mickeyjung10 months ago
Platinum IV mines213 mines21310 months ago
Gold III mingmingmon mingmingmon10 months ago
Gold I mr8356 mr8356 SET10 months ago
Platinum V mystic6113 mystic611310 months ago
Platinum V namoo1818 namoo181810 months ago
Ruby IV ohwphil ohwphil10 months ago
Platinum IV okmy729 okmy72910 months ago
Platinum V raon09 raon0910 months ago
Platinum II rlatjwls3333 rlatjwls333310 months ago
Diamond V sdh0321 sdh032110 months ago
Gold III seosi0811 seosi081110 months ago
Diamond IV shinm0819 shinm081910 months ago
Diamond IV silvercube silvercube10 months ago
Platinum I specidiee specidiee10 months ago
Silver II taeyoon0216 taeyoon021610 months ago
Platinum V uyk0329 uyk032910 months ago
Diamond V vancomycin vancomycin10 months ago
Gold II wjhj16 wjhj1610 months ago
Diamond II ychangseok ychangseok10 months ago
Gold II aghimari04 aghimari0411 months ago
Gold IV aporia aporia11 months ago
Ruby V bnb2011 bnb201111 months ago
Gold II cheeun0903 cheeun0903 SET11 months ago
Diamond IV choyj416 choyj41611 months ago
Platinum V clim03087 clim03087 SET11 months ago
Diamond V dadas08 dadas0811 months ago
Diamond III dldbgh1004 dldbgh100411 months ago
Platinum V dna_b dna_b11 months ago
Platinum V dragonwaterr dragonwaterr11 months ago
Ruby V edwardblue edwardblue11 months ago
Gold II ensiso ensiso SET11 months ago
Platinum V harry0558 harry055811 months ago
Gold III havist havist11 months ago
Platinum V hsi2753 hsi2753 SET11 months ago
Diamond III hyperion1019 hyperion101911 months ago
Gold V jm03090 jm0309011 months ago
Platinum V jrdora jrdora SET11 months ago
Gold II jseaguy jseaguy11 months ago
Gold II khj566977 khj56697711 months ago
Platinum III kimmingim kimmingim11 months ago
Platinum IV ksgg1 ksgg111 months ago
Platinum II losmos losmos11 months ago
Platinum IV mial1111 mial111111 months ago
Gold I min61037 min6103711 months ago
Gold II mitjdsusja mitjdsusja11 months ago
Gold IV ohseojun0701 ohseojun070111 months ago