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Creator of Balance - Silver
Creator of Balance - Silver
Achieve a rating of 200 or higher for all 8 tags displayed on the profile
Time Unlocked
HandleTime Unlocked
Diamond V dbsgur1208 dbsgur120810 months ago
Gold III akswhr123 akswhr12310 months ago
Diamond II june0501 june050110 months ago
Gold II ensiso ensiso10 months ago
Gold I laphayen laphayen10 months ago
Diamond V sona_supporter sona_supporter10 months ago
Platinum IV kth1561 kth156110 months ago
Diamond II sprout_429 sprout_42910 months ago
Diamond IV pangitwise pangitwise10 months ago
Platinum IV sjin0704 sjin070410 months ago
Diamond V ds10163 ds1016310 months ago
Not ratable pianosiwon pianosiwon10 months ago
Not ratable mjwwhu123 mjwwhu12310 months ago
Platinum V bitecode bitecode10 months ago
Platinum I chams09 chams0910 months ago
Gold II navitoks navitoks10 months ago
Platinum V i_am_brocoli i_am_brocoli10 months ago
Platinum V peterdo09 peterdo0910 months ago
Platinum IV terryp_dev terryp_dev10 months ago
Gold III jmr0204 jmr020410 months ago
Platinum V whdals6808 whdals680810 months ago
Platinum I vsono vsono10 months ago
Platinum V cogns21 cogns2110 months ago
Platinum IV dksktpq852 dksktpq85210 months ago
Diamond V tktj12 tktj1210 months ago
Platinum IV jbright0520 jbright052010 months ago
Platinum V hsh111366 hsh11136610 months ago
Platinum III jhkim97 jhkim9710 months ago
Diamond V nanowater nanowater10 months ago
Gold II dksms1 dksms110 months ago
Gold I sooahn07 sooahn0710 months ago
Platinum IV mugamta mugamta10 months ago
Diamond II deom deom10 months ago
Platinum III leejh9226 leejh922610 months ago
Gold IV esaitchkim esaitchkim10 months ago
Platinum III nkm5246 nkm524610 months ago
Platinum IV mirykim mirykim10 months ago
Ruby V sshs29hanul sshs29hanul10 months ago
Platinum V mshlsh mshlsh10 months ago
Platinum V sondaehyeon01 sondaehyeon0110 months ago
Platinum V jsca1002 jsca100210 months ago
Platinum I wogudwkd12 wogudwkd1210 months ago
Platinum V sillysillyman sillysillyman10 months ago
Platinum V tjddlf tjddlf10 months ago
Platinum V wjdckfrl55 wjdckfrl5510 months ago
Platinum IV parkeunji parkeunji10 months ago
Platinum V sky_yoon1 sky_yoon110 months ago
Platinum II tnpfldyd tnpfldyd10 months ago
Platinum V toycartoon toycartoon10 months ago
Gold I yetommy yetommy10 months ago