배경 없음
Platinum IV
seawon0808Platinum IV
Platinum IV 18991 until Platinum III
6,016 Solved391 Contributions22 Reverse rivals
Date Added# Unlocked UsersTier
  • Binary Game 2 (2022)
    Solved uncountable problem in the Real Final Ghudegy Cup 2 2
  • Hello, world! (2022)
    Hello, world! (2022)
    Solved uncountable problem in the Real Final Ghudegy Cup 2 2
  • Chicken Dance (2022)
    Chicken Dance (2022)
    Solved 1 or more problems in the 1st Gomgom Cup · © Hana Kim
  • 2022 Sogang University Freshman Cup
    2022 Sogang University Freshman Cup
    Participated in 2022 Sogang University Freshman Cup, or solved 2 or more problems in its open contest
  • 2022 Inha University Programming Contest
    2022 Inha University Programming Contest
    Participated in 2022 Inha University Programming Contest, or solved 1 or more problems in its open contest
  • UCPC 2022
    UCPC 2022
    Participated in UCPC 2022, or its open contest
  • Sinchon Station (2022)
    Sinchon Station (2022)
    Participated in 2022 ICPC Sinchon Summer Algorithm Camp Contest, or solved 1 or more problems in its open contest
  • 2022 Chung-Ang University Programming Contest
    2022 Chung-Ang University Programming Contest
    Participated in 2022 Chung-Ang University Programming Contest, or solved 1 or more problems in its open contest
  • 2022 IGRUS Newbie Programming Contest
    2022 IGRUS Newbie Programming Contest
    Participated in 2022 IGRUS Newbie Programming Contest, or solved 1 or more problems in its open contest
  • The 2nd Korea Aerospace University Programming Contest
    The 2nd Korea Aerospace University Programming Contest
    Participated in the 2nd Korea Aerospace University Programming Contest, or solved 1 or more problems in its open contest
  • Sogang Programming Contest 2022
    Sogang Programming Contest 2022
    Participated in Sogang Programming Competition 2022, or solved 1 or more problems in its open contest
  • Gomgom Silver Award (2022)
    Gomgom Silver Award (2022)
    Solved 1 or more problems in the 2nd Gomgom Cup · © Hana Kim
  • Warmth in the Snow (2022)
    Warmth in the Snow (2022)
    Solved 1 or more problems in the Invitation of the Winter Forest
  • The 9th Hanyang University Programming Contest
    The 9th Hanyang University Programming Contest
    Participated in the 9th Hanyang University Programming Contest, or solved 1 or more problems in its open contest
  • 2022 Seoul Cyber University Programming Contest
    2022 Seoul Cyber University Programming Contest
    Participated in 2022 Seoul Cyber University Programming Contest, or solved 1 or more problems in its open contest
  • 2022 1st Calculus, Probability, and Statistics Cup
    2022 1st Calculus, Probability, and Statistics Cup
    Solved 1 or more problems in the 2022 1st Calculus, Probability, and Statistics Cup
  • Spent 2022 with BOJ
    Spent 2022 with BOJ
    Solved 1 or more problems in Good Bye, BOJ 2022!
  • GBS Coding Contest 2022
    GBS Coding Contest 2022
    Participated in GBS Coding Contest 2022, or solved 1 or more problems in its open contest
  • Boardgame Cup (2023)
    Boardgame Cup (2023)
    Solved 1 or more problems in Boardgame Cup
  • The 2nd MatKor Cup : 2023 Winter
    The 2nd MatKor Cup : 2023 Winter
    Participated in the 2nd MatKor Cup, or solved 1 or more problems in its open contest
  • 1235