배경 없음
Ruby IV
sjhi00Ruby IV
Ruby IV 282327 until Ruby III
3,908 Solved7 Contributions18 Reverse rivals
Date Added# Unlocked UsersTier
  • You Win!
    Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and increase your rating
  • Hopefully This Badge Will Help You Keep Calm
    Hopefully This Badge Will Help You Keep Calm
    Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and decrease your rating
  • Arena: Top 20
    Arena: Top 20
    Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and achieve a rank of top 20 or greater
  • Arena: Top 50
    Arena: Top 50
    Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and achieve a rank of top 50 or greater
  • Arena: Top 100
    Arena: Top 100
    Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and achieve a rank of top 100 or greater
  • Fiddle While Romes Burns
    Fiddle While Romes Burns
    Participate as a unrated contestant in the Arena and make a submission at least once
  • Speedy
    Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and get full score for a problem within 5 minutes of the start of the competition
  • Rapid
    Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and get full score for a problem within 3 minutes of the start of the competition
  • Did You Even Read The Statement???
    Did You Even Read The Statement???
    Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and get full score for a problem within 1 minute of the start of the competition
  • Arena: Half Solves
    Arena: Half Solves
    Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and get full score for half or more of the problems in the contest
  • Arena: Quarter Solves
    Arena: Quarter Solves
    Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and get full score for quarter or more of the problems in the contest
  • Arena: Half Solves × 5
    Arena: Half Solves × 5
    Participate as a rated contestant for 5 times in the Arena and get full score for half or more of the problems in the contest
  • Arena: Quarter Solves × 5
    Arena: Quarter Solves × 5
    Participate as a rated contestant for 5 times in the Arena and get full score for quarter or more of the problems in the contest
  • Arena: Half Solves × 10
    Arena: Half Solves × 10
    Participate as a rated contestant for 10 times in the Arena and get full score for half or more of the problems in the contest
  • Arena: Quarter Solves × 10
    Arena: Quarter Solves × 10
    Participate as a rated contestant for 10 times in the Arena and get full score for quarter or more of the problems in the contest
  • Record of the Stars: Chapter 1
    Record of the Stars: Chapter 1
    Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena
  • Record of the Stars: Chapter 2
    Record of the Stars: Chapter 2
    Participate as a rated contestant for 5 times in the Arena
  • 12