배경 없음
Diamond III
tyoungsDiamond III
Diamond III 243961 until Diamond II
1,523 Solved63 Contributions6 Reverse rivals
Date Added# Unlocked UsersTier
  • Speedy
    Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and get full score for a problem within 5 minutes of the start of the competition
  • Fiddle While Romes Burns
    Fiddle While Romes Burns
    Participate as a unrated contestant in the Arena and make a submission at least once
  • Arena: Top 50
    Arena: Top 50
    Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and achieve a rank of top 50 or greater
  • Arena: Top 20
    Arena: Top 20
    Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and achieve a rank of top 20 or greater
  • Arena: Top 10
    Arena: Top 10
    Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and achieve a rank of top 10 or greater
  • Arena: 3rd Place
    Arena: 3rd Place
    Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and achieve third place
  • On a Roll
    On a Roll
    Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and increase your rating 3 times in a row
  • You Win!
    You Win!
    Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and increase your rating
  • Guardian of Balance - Gold
    Guardian of Balance - Gold
    Of the 8 tags displayed on the profile, achieve a rating of over 800 for 4 or more tags
  • Master of Balance - Gold
    Master of Balance - Gold
    Of the 8 tags displayed on the profile, achieve a rating of over 800 for 6 or more tags
  • Creator of Balance - Gold
    Creator of Balance - Gold
    Achieve a rating of 800 or higher for all 8 tags displayed on the profile
  • Guardian of Balance - Platinum
    Guardian of Balance - Platinum
    Of the 8 tags displayed on the profile, achieve a rating of over 1600 for 4 or more tags
  • Guardian of Balance - Bronze
    Guardian of Balance - Bronze
    Of the 8 tags displayed on the profile, achieve a rating of over 30 for 4 or more tags
  • Master of Balance - Bronze
    Master of Balance - Bronze
    Of the 8 tags displayed on the profile, achieve a rating of over 30 for 6 or more tags
  • Creator of Balance - Bronze
    Creator of Balance - Bronze
    Achieve a rating of 30 or higher for all 8 tags displayed on the profile
  • Guardian of Balance - Silver
    Guardian of Balance - Silver
    Of the 8 tags displayed on the profile, achieve a rating of over 200 for 4 or more tags
  • Master of Balance - Silver
    Master of Balance - Silver
    Of the 8 tags displayed on the profile, achieve a rating of over 200 for 6 or more tags
  • 12345