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God's Queries on This Wonderful Arrays!
God's Queries on This Wonderful Arrays!
Seeing that the value written in the Nth sequence in front of your house changes every day, you became angry and decided to sue Hanbyeol.
Condition Solve 1 or more problems which has '수열' or '쿼리' in its Korean version of the title, at some point after March 22, 2022
Time Unlocked
HandleTime Unlocked
Platinum II patata22 patata222 years ago
Diamond II YunGoon YunGoon2 years ago
Platinum V jo412 jo4122 years ago
Platinum III kysu5095 kysu50952 years ago
Platinum I js1044k js1044k2 years ago
Gold I kimjea1999 kimjea19992 years ago
Platinum II ace913 ace9132 years ago
Not ratable 0pera_tive 0pera_tive2 years ago
Platinum II yongdori yongdori2 years ago
Platinum V supermentor supermentor2 years ago
Master xiaowuc1 xiaowuc12 years ago
Platinum IV steve7867 steve78672 years ago
Platinum V woo9901 woo99012 years ago
Platinum V nimunsang nimunsang2 years ago
Platinum I hck5209 hck52092 years ago
Platinum IV traceoflight traceoflight2 years ago
Gold II lawofjrj lawofjrj2 years ago
Diamond II leedongbin leedongbin2 years ago
Gold I baby_shark baby_shark2 years ago
Diamond IV jihwan_0319 jihwan_03192 years ago
Gold V yukit yukit SET2 years ago
Platinum III ray1203 ray12032 years ago
Ruby I vkdldjvkdnj vkdldjvkdnj2 years ago
Platinum IV gnswldms2 gnswldms22 years ago
Platinum II dlbae9613 dlbae96132 years ago
Diamond V acepark acepark2 years ago
Gold II kimjih94 kimjih942 years ago
Diamond III readiz readiz2 years ago
Platinum I bkwak bkwak2 years ago
Not ratable songjihoo songjihoo2 years ago
Bronze III englishkoreanman englishkoreanman2 years ago
Platinum II kgstiger kgstiger2 years ago
Platinum I 2cu1001 2cu10012 years ago
Platinum IV uruburu uruburu2 years ago
Platinum II siyamaki siyamaki2 years ago
Platinum IV wootag2 wootag22 years ago
Diamond V anonyk anonyk2 years ago
Platinum IV ijshj10 ijshj102 years ago
Platinum III hoonww hoonww2 years ago
Platinum IV kimji66 kimji662 years ago
Silver II only_cpp only_cpp2 years ago
Bronze I sapling sapling2 years ago
Diamond IV singun11 singun112 years ago
Platinum V rlawodbs rlawodbs2 years ago
Platinum IV march381 march3812 years ago
Platinum III ktbaek ktbaek2 years ago
Platinum IV me33x3 me33x32 years ago
Platinum V osy515 osy5152 years ago
Gold V baryu97 baryu972 years ago
Diamond III alreadysolved alreadysolved2 years ago