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Record of the Stars: Chapter 1
Record of the Stars: Chapter 1
Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena
Time Unlocked
HandleTime Unlocked
Gold I hysung2588 hysung25889 months ago
Gold V hyunminpark0920 hyunminpark09209 months ago
Bronze I ibasic ibasic9 months ago
Gold II ikjoon0812 ikjoon08129 months ago
Platinum II infinity85384856 infinity853848569 months ago
Platinum V issg2030 issg20309 months ago
Gold IV jangbear jangbear9 months ago
Bronze IV jeepjoa jeepjoa9 months ago
Silver IV jennydev7 jennydev7 SET9 months ago
Gold I ji0706 ji07069 months ago
Gold IV jodw0103 jodw01039 months ago
Gold I jws9490 jws94909 months ago
Platinum IV jyh071116 jyh0711169 months ago
Gold I kaffu kaffu9 months ago
Platinum V kdhhuns2000 kdhhuns20009 months ago
Bronze IV kgwndjsr kgwndjsr9 months ago
Diamond V khcho0125 khcho01259 months ago
Gold I khr519 khr5199 months ago
Platinum III kooju0704 kooju07049 months ago
Gold I ktyong1225 ktyong12259 months ago
Platinum III kys1124 kys11249 months ago
Gold II leo0115 leo01159 months ago
Gold V lilysoo7 lilysoo79 months ago
Platinum IV loveisasong loveisasong9 months ago
Platinum IV luke1546 luke15469 months ago
Silver III lunamundus1007 lunamundus10079 months ago
Platinum III lwc421 lwc4219 months ago
Platinum IV migayeon migayeon9 months ago
Gold I mike0022 mike00229 months ago
Gold II minoaro minoaro9 months ago
Platinum V mn04082 mn040829 months ago
Platinum IV mulebanga mulebanga9 months ago
Silver III navier_boltzmann navier_boltzmann9 months ago
Platinum V neohaps neohaps9 months ago
Gold III nerhwida nerhwida9 months ago
Gold I now0104 now01049 months ago
Silver II no_rang no_rang9 months ago
Bronze I nyangnyang nyangnyang9 months ago
Silver V ocean451 ocean4519 months ago
Silver II owenthink owenthink9 months ago
Bronze III p0stic p0stic9 months ago
Platinum V p106305 p1063059 months ago
Silver I pappuricca pappuricca9 months ago
Gold I parrel777 parrel7779 months ago
Diamond III petamingks petamingks9 months ago
Gold II pythonprominhyeong pythonprominhyeong9 months ago
Platinum V qwerty1120 qwerty11209 months ago
Bronze II rladkdls522 rladkdls5229 months ago
Gold IV rptns777 rptns7779 months ago
Gold IV saa4563123 saa45631239 months ago