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Record of the Stars: Chapter 1
Record of the Stars: Chapter 1
Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena
Time Unlocked
HandleTime Unlocked
Diamond V jshyun912 jshyun91211 months ago
Diamond V junhyung9985 junhyung998511 months ago
Platinum IV juyoung0609 juyoung060911 months ago
Platinum V kia546 kia54611 months ago
Platinum III kiki9484 kiki948411 months ago
Platinum IV kjw3981 kjw398111 months ago
Platinum V kkwoo1021 kkwoo102111 months ago
Silver I kmingi159 kmingi15911 months ago
Gold IV ks0624 ks062411 months ago
Platinum V lminsl lminsl11 months ago
Platinum V magiclogicagnes08 magiclogicagnes0811 months ago
Gold II malrangcow00 malrangcow0011 months ago
Gold III meloncat meloncat11 months ago
Diamond V minjunnick minjunnick11 months ago
Not ratable mucomu mucomu11 months ago
Gold II namwon420 namwon42011 months ago
Silver I narwhal_blast narwhal_blast11 months ago
Diamond V nukec nukec11 months ago
Gold I oriossi oriossi11 months ago
Gold II polyxscl polyxscl11 months ago
Platinum III sangwon090 sangwon09011 months ago
Platinum IV sat0317 sat031711 months ago
Silver II seoki9067 seoki906711 months ago
Platinum II seoo2001 seoo200111 months ago
Gold I shipal shipal11 months ago
Platinum I soccer555sm soccer555sm11 months ago
Gold II sonhs99 sonhs9911 months ago
Platinum IV sukha5364 sukha536411 months ago
Silver V sunsound sunsound11 months ago
Diamond IV tosang tosang11 months ago
Platinum IV wjswowns1 wjswowns111 months ago
Gold I wogkr wogkr11 months ago
Gold IV xowjdtn xowjdtn11 months ago
Platinum V yj95228 yj9522811 months ago
Silver IV abok200 abok200 SET11 months ago
Gold II aghimari04 aghimari0411 months ago
Platinum I aiden1927 aiden192711 months ago
Ruby V bnb2011 bnb201111 months ago
Platinum V clim03087 clim0308711 months ago
Platinum V dragonwaterr dragonwaterr11 months ago
Ruby V edwardblue edwardblue11 months ago
Gold III gimseonmo gimseonmo11 months ago
Diamond III hyperion1019 hyperion101911 months ago
Gold I jason0313 jason031311 months ago
Silver V junseong8299 junseong829911 months ago
Not ratable karthera12 karthera1211 months ago
Silver I kminji3392 kminji339211 months ago
Diamond V k_san k_san11 months ago
Gold I min61037 min6103711 months ago
Gold II mitjdsusja mitjdsusja11 months ago