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Record of the Stars: Chapter 2
Record of the Stars: Chapter 2
Participate as a rated contestant for 5 times in the Arena
Time Unlocked
HandleTime Unlocked
Diamond IV martin0327 martin032710 months ago
Gold III masterpiece0716 masterpiece071610 months ago
Platinum V namoo1818 namoo181810 months ago
Diamond V rlatndhrlatndh rlatndhrlatndh10 months ago
Platinum IV sehy1209 sehy120910 months ago
Platinum II seoo2001 seoo200110 months ago
Diamond III tlsgusrb314 tlsgusrb31410 months ago
Diamond IV w8385 w838510 months ago
Platinum I aiden1927 aiden192710 months ago
Platinum III annieho annieho10 months ago
Platinum III bak9234 bak923410 months ago
Platinum I cdg0228 cdg022810 months ago
Ruby V choisang0826 choisang082610 months ago
Gold IV ckstmznf ckstmznf10 months ago
Diamond V dadas08 dadas0810 months ago
Platinum I dasyma dasyma10 months ago
Platinum II dkprk11 dkprk1110 months ago
Diamond III dldbgh1004 dldbgh100410 months ago
Diamond V firework72 firework7210 months ago
Platinum IV ghwo336 ghwo33610 months ago
Gold I harang7447 harang744710 months ago
Platinum V hututi hututi10 months ago
Platinum III hyenje29 hyenje2910 months ago
Silver I imminseohoe imminseohoe10 months ago
Diamond V infikei infikei10 months ago
Platinum V ivvi_a ivvi_a10 months ago
Platinum III kimmingim kimmingim10 months ago
Platinum II lsj030329 lsj03032910 months ago
Diamond V minjunnick minjunnick10 months ago
Diamond IV mj1000j mj1000j10 months ago
Gold I mjm128 mjm12810 months ago
Platinum III motsuni04 motsuni0410 months ago
Diamond V nayounsang1 nayounsang110 months ago
Gold V perfecteastern perfecteastern SET10 months ago
Platinum IV ricola ricola10 months ago
Platinum III seawon0808 seawon080810 months ago
Platinum III sjmmics sjmmics10 months ago
Platinum IV vyu vyu10 months ago
Platinum IV wansang93 wansang9310 months ago
Platinum I wjdcldn1024 wjdcldn102410 months ago
Diamond IV world9969 world996910 months ago
Diamond II ychangseok ychangseok10 months ago
Gold I august080829 august08082910 months ago
Master cki86201 cki8620110 months ago
Gold V ercnard ercnard10 months ago
Ruby II flappybird flappybird10 months ago
Platinum IV gnswldms2 gnswldms210 months ago
Ruby V hidercpp hidercpp10 months ago
Diamond II jhuni jhuni10 months ago
Ruby III kyo20111 kyo2011110 months ago