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Record of the Stars: Chapter 2
Record of the Stars: Chapter 2
Participate as a rated contestant for 5 times in the Arena
Time Unlocked
HandleTime Unlocked
Platinum II sapple sapple8 months ago
Gold I yknlwca yknlwca8 months ago
Diamond I youngyangze youngyangze8 months ago
Gold V zecham zecham8 months ago
Platinum III zheldrhtn zheldrhtn8 months ago
Gold III 1126raphael 1126raphael8 months ago
Diamond V cko301 cko3018 months ago
Platinum V dddddd6 dddddd68 months ago
Diamond V eka eka8 months ago
Gold II erick12 erick128 months ago
Gold II ggg7515 ggg75158 months ago
Diamond I golazcc83 golazcc838 months ago
Silver V gultai4ukr gultai4ukr8 months ago
Gold V hippopikeul hippopikeul SET8 months ago
Gold IV hos_lyric hos_lyric8 months ago
Diamond IV hun3555 hun35558 months ago
Platinum II k550706 k5507068 months ago
Gold V kimingan kimingan8 months ago
Diamond V kirvy810 kirvy8108 months ago
Diamond I kiwiyou kiwiyou8 months ago
Diamond V kokosoko59 kokosoko598 months ago
Platinum V nonjisi nonjisi8 months ago
Platinum IV sungjae0506 sungjae05068 months ago
Gold III wntjd1057 wntjd10578 months ago
Gold III yahy0 yahy08 months ago
Diamond IV ysk102706 ysk1027068 months ago
Gold IV aodrn0203 aodrn02037 months ago
Gold IV bbakkomm bbakkomm7 months ago
Platinum IV blu3fishez blu3fishez7 months ago
Diamond V dhoklim dhoklim7 months ago
Gold I dlgudwn55 dlgudwn557 months ago
Gold I ghdthd123 ghdthd1237 months ago
Gold III hhs0991 hhs09917 months ago
Silver V indelclone indelclone7 months ago
Bronze I jake1587 jake15877 months ago
Diamond V jalapen0_p1ckle jalapen0_p1ckle7 months ago
Gold IV jhoonsong jhoonsong7 months ago
Platinum III kooju0704 kooju07047 months ago
Gold I leejm9704 leejm97047 months ago
Ruby V lem0nad3 lem0nad37 months ago
Platinum IV loveisasong loveisasong7 months ago
Platinum IV migayeon migayeon7 months ago
Platinum V mystic6113 mystic61137 months ago
Gold III nerhwida nerhwida7 months ago
Platinum III nkm5246 nkm52467 months ago
Silver II no_rang no_rang7 months ago
Gold III snm306 snm3067 months ago
Diamond IV sunho sunho7 months ago
Gold II tedtedted tedtedted7 months ago
Platinum I tonystar0420 tonystar04207 months ago