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Record of the Stars: Chapter 3
Record of the Stars: Chapter 3
Participate as a rated contestant for 10 times in the Arena
Time Unlocked
HandleTime Unlocked
Platinum V kimbh0412 kimbh04126 months ago
Gold III masterpiece0716 masterpiece0716 SET6 months ago
Diamond I menborong menborong6 months ago
Platinum V qkrrudtn23 qkrrudtn236 months ago
Platinum V scc9811 scc98116 months ago
Silver III stardust999 stardust999 SET6 months ago
Diamond V firework72 firework725 months ago
Platinum IV gnswldms2 gnswldms25 months ago
Gold I jayti007 jayti0075 months ago
Platinum I ljw1029boj ljw1029boj5 months ago
Diamond IV mj1000j mj1000j5 months ago
Platinum V osh8242 osh82425 months ago