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Master of Balance - Bronze
Master of Balance - Bronze
Of the 8 tags displayed on the profile, achieve a rating of over 30 for 6 or more tags
Time Unlocked
HandleTime Unlocked
Gold IV hwchoi04515 hwchoi0451511 months ago
Silver III changill0123 changill012311 months ago
Gold IV llick llick11 months ago
Silver III rnjsduddh05 rnjsduddh0511 months ago
Silver III altundschon altundschon11 months ago
Silver V qkdrudwo99 qkdrudwo9911 months ago
Silver I icelattebest icelattebest11 months ago
Gold II sh215k sh215k11 months ago
Silver IV divele divele11 months ago
Silver III ksa37 ksa3711 months ago
Silver I pluto7 pluto711 months ago
Silver V juscani juscani11 months ago
Gold I smg1527 smg152711 months ago
Gold V dennis6346 dennis634611 months ago
Gold II xodus1349 xodus134911 months ago
Silver III haeun3882 haeun388211 months ago
Silver IV jysy611 jysy61111 months ago
Gold I yfresian yfresian11 months ago
Gold IV jmgman jmgman11 months ago
Silver II juj2304 juj230411 months ago
Gold I lace007 lace00711 months ago
Platinum V changjin0605 changjin060511 months ago
Gold III gongboo gongboo11 months ago
Gold V rlajm1203 rlajm120311 months ago
Silver V leesk7481 leesk748111 months ago
Silver II jinhasky jinhasky11 months ago
Gold IV polarpheno polarpheno11 months ago
Gold IV wego wego11 months ago
Gold IV grnd97 grnd9711 months ago
Gold IV hoho12 hoho1211 months ago
Silver V sckim0703 sckim070311 months ago
Silver I yi5oyu yi5oyu11 months ago
Silver II marin0625 marin062511 months ago
Silver II gunggme gunggme11 months ago
Gold V blussm blussm11 months ago
Silver I gyfla1512 gyfla151211 months ago
Silver I yj9808 yj980811 months ago
Gold IV dntjr1234 dntjr123411 months ago
Gold V geon4415 geon441511 months ago
Gold II dohyun0522 dohyun052211 months ago
Silver V daoproject daoproject11 months ago
Platinum V hgpark677 hgpark67711 months ago
Gold III mseo39 mseo3911 months ago
Silver II yschin99 yschin9911 months ago
Silver I kcg980916 kcg98091611 months ago
Silver IV corinhee11 corinhee1111 months ago
Gold II hcu55 hcu5511 months ago
Silver IV carol3400 carol340011 months ago
Silver II wnsduq23 wnsduq2311 months ago
Silver III policean95 policean9511 months ago