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Master of Balance - Platinum
Master of Balance - Platinum
Of the 8 tags displayed on the profile, achieve a rating of over 1600 for 6 or more tags
Time Unlocked
HandleTime Unlocked
Diamond IV bjr7000 bjr70001 month ago
Diamond IV yunnina01 yunnina011 month ago
Platinum I dngnogu dngnogu1 month ago
Diamond V fermion5 fermion51 month ago
Diamond III flakepowders flakepowders SET1 month ago
Diamond II minsung05 minsung051 month ago
Ruby V onemoreyear onemoreyear1 month ago
Diamond II junho0219 junho02191 month ago
Diamond III pangitwise pangitwise1 month ago
Diamond III tlsgusrb314 tlsgusrb31427 days ago
Diamond V dbtodqorrn250 dbtodqorrn250 SET26 days ago
Diamond I june0501 june050123 days ago
Diamond IV aw9898 aw989821 days ago
Ruby V jeoffrey0522 jeoffrey052221 days ago
Diamond I changhw changhw16 days ago
Diamond I dk10211 dk10211 SET13 days ago
Diamond III thisisuser thisisuser11 days ago
Ruby V jwpassion1 jwpassion19 days ago
Diamond II oh040411 oh0404113 days ago
Ruby IV hhs2003 hhs20032 days ago
Platinum I wariatros wariatros1 day ago
Diamond IV w8385 w83851 day ago