Master of Balance - Gold Of the 8 tags displayed on the profile, achieve a rating of over 800 for 6 or more tags
Guardian of Balance - Bronze Of the 8 tags displayed on the profile, achieve a rating of over 30 for 4 or more tags
Master of Balance - Bronze Of the 8 tags displayed on the profile, achieve a rating of over 30 for 6 or more tags
Creator of Balance - Silver Achieve a rating of 200 or higher for all 8 tags displayed on the profile
Creator of Balance - Gold Achieve a rating of 800 or higher for all 8 tags displayed on the profile
2023 Daegu Software Highschool Programming Contest Participated in the 2023 Daegu Software Highschool Programming Contest, or solved 1 or more problems in its open contest
You Win! Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and increase your rating
On a Roll Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and increase your rating 3 times in a row
Unstoppable Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and increase your rating 5 times in a row
Hopefully This Badge Will Help You Keep Calm Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and decrease your rating
Arena: Top 100 Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and achieve a rank of top 100 or greater
Speedy Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and get full score for a problem within 5 minutes of the start of the competition
Rapid Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and get full score for a problem within 3 minutes of the start of the competition
Arena: Quarter Solves Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena and get full score for quarter or more of the problems in the contest
Record of the Stars: Chapter 1 Participate as a rated contestant in the Arena
Record of the Stars: Chapter 2 Participate as a rated contestant for 5 times in the Arena
Record of the Stars: Chapter 3 Participate as a rated contestant for 10 times in the Arena
UCPC 2023 UCPC 2023 혹은 Open Contest에 출전
2023 KSA Automata Summer Contest 2023 KSA Automata Summer Contest에 출전해 100점 이상 달성
제3회 고려대학교 MatKor Cup : 2023 Summer 제3회 고려대학교 MatKor Cup : 2023 Summer 혹은 Open Contest Phase 1, Phase 2 중 하나 이상에 출전